There are three main reasons why most agents leave their teams.

There are three main reasons why agents leave their current brokerage:

1. Higher commission splits. If you’re an independent agent who doesn’t rely on your broker for anything, then seeking higher commissions is a good thing, as you want to make the most money while running your own business. However, it’s important to consider what your real estate brokerage can offer you.

“Leads are the core of our business. ”

2. More leads. If you’re looking for more listings or buyer appointments, then you need a broker who provides leads, even though it will cost you in terms of commission split. But it’s important to remember that without leads, you wouldn’t have any business in the first place. So, working off a commission split with a broker who provides leads is a good thing as it ensures a steady flow of business.

3. Better training. Many agents want to become great listing or buyer agents, and the only way to do that is through proper training. If your current brokerage doesn’t offer training on obtaining more listings or appointments, you may want to consider switching.

These are the top three reasons why most agents switch brokerages. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email us. We’re here to help you make a difference this week.