How newer agents can lead their buyer prospects through the buying process.

What do you need to know about working with a buyer? If you’re a newer agent, you might not know everything you should do for your buyer clients. Today I want to share a few tips about helping people buy homes.

Usually, you’ll set your buyer up to receive listing alerts for homes in the price range and area they want. So the first step to working with any buyer is establishing what they want in a property. This should happen at the initial buyer consultation, and you’ll need to ask about their price range, how many bedrooms they need, their preferred locations, and any amenities they need.

Once you’ve determined their preferences, you’re almost ready to set them up with listing alerts, but first, you need to get them pre-approved. This will help determine what they can afford and are willing to spend every month. A lot of buyers have a bank or credit union they’d like to use, but you should always have a preferred lender to refer your client to.

“Knowing how to lead the buyer from inception to close will speak volumes about your professionalism”

You’ll also need to think about how often they want to receive listing alerts. Should they get them daily or once every week? Their timing and motivation should help you decide. 

What if you get an email from one of your buyers saying that they want to see a specific property? First, you should check on the MLS if that property is still active. You may also want to call the agent to see how they’re doing on offers, if there’s a deadline, and how many showings they’re getting. This will help you talk more intelligently about the property with your buyer. Next, you’ll want to email them the seller’s disclosure, so they can learn about the property before seeing it.

After you’ve set the showing and done everything above, print out two MLS sheets, one for you and one for your client. With that sheet in hand, they read about the detail of the home and check them out firsthand. You should get in the habit of repeating this process every time a buyer wants to see a property.

Knowing how to lead the buyer from inception to close will speak volumes about your professionalism and knowledge. If you’re a new agent, though, you’ll need a mentor to help guide you. 

If there’s anything I can do to help, I’d love to hop on a 15-minute business call with you. There’s never any cost or obligation. Just call or email my team or me. I’d love to help your business thrive.