This is how you can generate seller leads that are in financial distress.

Being a resourceful and empathetic agent is critical if you want to succeed in this business. To help you with this, I’ll share a client success story that underscores the significance of helping sellers in financially stressful situations. I’ll also delve into how to generate leads from those facing mortgage distress, and the incredible outcomes it can yield.

To generate both good and challenging leads, I’ve been reaching out to sellers facing financial distress. I’ve informed my database that I’m here to help anyone struggling with mortgage payments. Eventually, one of my past clients reached out to me, revealing that he had fallen behind on his mortgage due to work and health issues.

“I've informed my database that I'm here to help anyone struggling with mortgage payments.”

In our consultation, I discovered he was nearly a year behind on payments. Had I not shared this information through a video and email, he wouldn’t have known I could assist him. Long story short, I listed his property and got it under contract within a week. Despite being only two months away from foreclosure, I am getting him $8,000 back due to the equity in his property.

While his payoff was $180,000, there were additional fees involved. The important thing is that he’s not losing everything. Within two months, the bank would have foreclosed on his property if we hadn’t taken action. So, remember to let your sellers know that you can handle financially distressed situations.

If you need help or have questions, feel free to contact me through email, a direct message, or a call to my office. We aim to be a resource for you, especially in challenging economic climates. Your inquiries come with no obligation. Let’s work together to make a difference today.