Communicate these three challenges to sellers listing in the winter market.

As real estate professionals, we know the challenges that the winter months have when listing a property. If we want a successful sale, we need to educate our sellers on how to overcome some of these challenges. Here are the three winter challenges that you need to address:

1. Curb appeal. During winter, curb appeal differs from spring and summer due to the weather. To address this, focus on making the entryway light and bright while adding seasonal decor.

“We need to educate our sellers on how to overcome some of these winter challenges.”

2. Limited daylight hours. It’s going to get darker sooner rather than later. Sellers should ensure proper lighting, including garage lights, front porch lights, and landscaping lights, to present the home effectively.

3. Weather delays. You need to communicate a contingency plan, and the best time to communicate these contingency plans is at your listing appointment. You want to over-communicate and always have a backup plan for a weather delay.

If you need more help selling a home during the winter months, call or email me. I’m happy to help.