Three business-boosting ways that you should be doing in your downtime.

In today’s world, we’re always busy, and always hustling. However, sometimes we come across downtimes, and that can leave us feeling lost and unsure of what to do. To help you become productive during these moments, here are the top three things that you should do:

1. Reach out to your database. The first and foremost thing that you should be doing is reaching out to your database. Everyone in your database, including past clients, attempted leads, contacts, and potential leads, should be put on a reminder list. You should block out 2 to 3 hours a day to work your database. This is the perfect time to make a connection with your past clients and potential leads.

“Downtime is a great opportunity to connect with your past clients and potential leads. ”

2. Write handwritten cards and mail them out. In the age of digital communication, we often forget the power of a handwritten note. Writing a personalized message in a card and mailing it out is a great way to make a connection with someone. This doesn’t have to be a big expense. You can start by writing handwritten letters to your past clients and to some of the people that you have made contact with but seem to have lost touch with. A handwritten note is a nice way to reengage.

3. Organize client appreciation events. The third thing you should consider doing during downtime is hosting client appreciation events. It doesn’t have to be a big, expensive event. It could be a small get-together of 5 to 10 people, held three times a year. This is a great way to show your past clients that you value them and appreciate their business.

Downtime is a great opportunity to connect with your past clients and potential leads. Use this time to your advantage, and always remember, it’s the small things that make the biggest difference. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email.