Here’s an easy five-point plan to help you get more repeat business.

How can you stay in touch with past clients to generate repeat and referral business? I have a five-point plan designed to do just that, and I’d like to share it with you today:

1. Make one phone call per month. Just touch base and let your client know you’re thinking about them.

2. Send one personal mailer per month. It could be a notecard or a handwritten letter. Whatever lets your clients know you care.

3. Make one personal social media touch per month. Simply like or comment on your past clients’ posts.

4. Send market reports via email. This will let people know you’re still on top of the market. 

5. Hold a quarterly meetup. Touch base, get a coffee, and ask for referrals. It’s that easy. 

This five-point plan is simple but effective. If you have questions about it or anything else, please call or email me. I am always willing to help.