These three lead sources will net you more business and income.

No matter how long you’ve been in the industry, you probably understand that leads are the lifeblood of our businesses. Without them, we would just be blindly calling random people with the hope that they’re ready to sell their homes. That being said, getting quality leads consistently is easier said than done. Whether you’ve been an agent for five years or five weeks, it never hurts to have more leads. That’s why I’m sharing the top three lead sources every successful Realtor is using:

1. Your database. If you aren’t already keeping an organized database of all your contacts, you should be. Database marketing is a real estate agent’s most powerful tool, and there are a couple of reasons why. First, this lead source becomes more useful over time. Each client you work with, and every person you meet is another opportunity to get a lead in the future. Next, people who already know, like, and trust you are far more likely to follow through and actually work with you. These leads are high-quality, unlike some from other sources.

“Whether you’ve been an agent for five years or five weeks, it never hurts to have more leads.”

2. Distressed sellers. In every market, some people need to sell immediately for a number of reasons. Maybe someone can’t afford their monthly payment anymore, or maybe they are facing legal trouble. Whatever the reason, you can find these homeowners and offer a solution to their problems. You have to be careful with how you approach these people; if you come on too strong, you’ll look like an opportunist. Listen more than you talk, and try to empathize with their situation. With any luck, they’ll let you help them sell their property, and you can find another consistent source of leads. 

3. Social media advertising. It’s no secret that Facebook, Google, and other digital companies are great places to find leads. However, you might not be advertising to your full potential on these platforms. One of the most important things most agents ignore is including video. If people see your face and hear your voice, they’ll feel as though they know, like, and trust you. Also, be sure to tailor your content to non-experts. Don’t assume your audience knows obvious real estate advice—there’s a good chance they don’t.

If you would like more tips on how to utilize these three lead sources, or if you have any other questions, please give me a call or shoot me an email. Make it a great day!