No experience? No problem: We’ll help you become a successful agent.

Do you ever feel lost in your career path? If so, you might have considered becoming a real estate agent in the past. Many people do—in fact, “How to become a real estate agent” is one of the most-searched terms on Google. Real estate can be a rewarding career, but many peoplethink they can’t do it because they lack experience. 

If you’re in this position, we want to let you know that real estate can still be a fantastic career choice for you even if you don’t have experience. To prove our point, we want to share a Q&A we did with Anna Giacomucci. We’ll ask her about her career before real estate, why she chose to work with us, and more. 

“Our culture is collaborative, not competitive. ”

What was your career path before joining JRS Realty Group? 

Before joining the team, I had zero experience in the real estate industry. This was my biggest cause of stress; I had no idea whether I was a good fit for the industry or not. Fortunately, John was great at helping me learn as I went. I soon learned how to speak with clients, build rapport, and show houses. Today I know exactly how to structure my day to be successful.

Why did you join the JRS Realty Group instead of a different brokerage? 

When I began interviewing brokerages, I found that what they offered didn’t line up with what I wanted. Many other brokerages came with mandatory expenses that seemed like a huge burden when first starting. JRS has no unnecessary monthly fees, and they provide leads to their agents. I truly believe I wouldn’t have been able to close as many transactions as I did my first year if I had chosen a different brokerage. 

How has your life changed since you began your real estate career? 

The biggest change is that my work-life balance is the best it has ever been. However, this didn’t come automatically. It takes discipline to follow up with leads consistently and stay on top of the market, but my hard work is rewarded. I make a comfortable income while having plenty of time to spend with my family, friends, and fiancé. If you put in the work, real estate can be a freeing career. 

Why should other agents consider the JRS Realty Group? 

I’m thankful every day that I chose JRS Realty Group. One of the biggest perks of this brokerage is our culture. If I go away for a few days, I know that other team members will stay on top of my leads so I can get right back into things when I return. The environment is collaborative, not competitive. 

If you have questions about joining the JRS Realty Group or anything else, please call or email us. We would love to speak with you!